The points that Schlosser gives do not give two sides to the
argument; it seems as though he is extremely biased in his writings. He talks
about all the bad aspects of advertising, but puts it in a way that sounds like
he is just giving statistics. Today advertisements that are focused on children
are mostly on television and are very influential, but it is not as big of a
problem as he makes it out to be. Advertising is just like violence on television,
if you do not want your kids to be manipulated by advertisements today then
regulate the amount of TV they watch and what they watch. He makes it seem like
the advertising companies are the only ones to blame, they are just doing their
jobs and trying to make money. The
parents of children today need to try and educate their kids on what is true
and what isn’t. He said that many children can’t tell the difference between
advertising and programs on television. It still sounds like parents aren’t
paying enough attention to their children and educating them on the
advertisements today. Parents are just too busy for their children so they just
try to buy their affection with toys that are advertised on the TV. The
children don’t know any better, they are easily manipulated by the ads and the
parents aren’t there when those television shows and programs are there at all
times of the day. Parents nowadays use
the TV as a babysitter and rely on it to keep them occupied while they do their
work or personal activities. This makes it very difficult to control what their
children watch as they are distracted by these other matters.
To say that child advertising isn’t
all bad is not the point that I’m trying to get across; there are certainly
people that go about it all wrong. Advertising is a right that people have to
show off their product, if they don’t do that then how will people even know what
they want to buy and why. The only problem is that advertising just needs to be
regulated in the sense that children can’t be manipulated into giving out
personal information without parental consent on the internet or by phone. When
Schlosser talked about the kind of characters that advertisers use like Joe
Camel or Ronald McDonald and how children are able to recognize them as easily
as Mickey Mouse. Isn’t Mickey Mouse just some character that Walt Disney
designed as a way to advertise to children and to get the children to want and
buy Disney products and go to Disneyland or Disney World? I can remember back
when I was a child and how I used some of those nagging techniques to get my
parents to buy Disney movies and take my brother and me to Disneyland. The
advertising business has brought about competition to make products better and
create new ways to advertise. All in all advertising is an important part of
our society and it benefits us as a whole.
Out of all the posts so far I liked yours the best. You made a lot of good points and pointed out some things Schlosser didnt.
ReplyDeleteI really like how you used Mickey mouse as an advertisement plot, thats 100 percent true and getting children to nag their parents to go to disney land o get them disney products