Monday, February 27, 2012

Response To Kid Kustomers

After I finished up reading Erik Schlossers "Kid Kustomers" I thought he made many good points throughout the whole essay, but the majority of it was biased and based of his opinion alone. Erik Schlosser seems like the type of guy who grew up without television, maybe even a radio, and because of this he believes that because the youth of today spend a good amount of time in front of a tv there minds are being corrupted by advertising. He goes on blaming big companies such as Nickelodeon and Disney for this corruption when he needs to realize that it is the 21st century now. Advertising is something that will never go away and just because he thinks that any form of child advertising is terrible doesn't mean that it is the fault of big name corporations. These big name corporations are doing what they are supposed to do, advertise and get money. That's how it has always been. So the only people who can be blamed for any form of "corruption" be brought upon a child is the parents. If parents would actually spend time with there kids, teach them wrong from right and dictate the amount of television that a child watches then none of this would be a problem. Parents need to not rely on school and tv to raise there children and actually do there jobs as parents and raise children themselves. The types of advertising that could be considered "harmful" in a sense if targeted toward children could be avoidable if the parent just turns off the tv.
Its not like all forms of advertising are good. Yes the types of advertisements that companies are broadcasting do need to have some sort of rules and regulations that come with them. For example the Joe Camel advertisement was a terrible one encouraging kids to smoke cigarettes, advertisements like those do need to be controlled and not allowed to air. But just because other ads like Kool-aid or Nerf encourage children to buy there products doesn't make them a terrible thing that needs to be stopped, because if you removed advertising to be viewed and understood by people when they are children then they can be much more easily manipulated and convinced by watching advertisements when they are older, which may have much worse results.

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