Thursday, March 22, 2012


          I will start by saying that I loved this piece of rhetoric more than any other we've had to write about. I consider myself a little bit of a hippie. I'm not going to go and tie myself to a tree or walk into a room full of politicians with a TV showing illegally documented footage of dolphin killings, but I do pay homage to the characters with the balls big enough to do so. I will admit that the author of this video was very biased and did not show any part of the other side of the story. However, I still feel that no matter how you could spin this into the favor of the Taiji population it is wrong and stirred a lot of anger inside of me. At the end of the film there is a number to text to find out what you can do to stop the madness and I had already text this number before I had even walked out of the classroom door.
          The food chain is a natural process and essential for survival among all species. The dolphins must eat fish and we, at least to be healthy, need to eat the cows and the chickens and other species that roam the earth. The way we do such a thing is the problem and I do not agree with the way these dolphins are being slaughtered in cold blood. I also have just as much of a problem with the way the cows and chickens are slaughtered in the USA. Terrifying these animals into a cove by loud noises, capturing them, and then brutally stabbing them until they die is not OK, humane, right, or any other positive spin on things it plain and blatantly wrong. Who is to say that these animals are not self aware like the video claims? After my research I must say there is more evidence that points to them being so than not. We may not be able to prove that they are, but we will never be able to prove that they are not. As long as species go, dolphins are one of the more intelligent and as the highest authority on the food chain we should have respect for the creatures that feed our families, especially if we are aware of a higher intelligence in such an animal. Not only could we be brutally murdering a creature that could provide so much insight into the development of a species but eventually we are going to start running out of dolphins and that will be even more devastating to our planet than finding a more humane way to obtain the meat to feed our families.
            Beyond the dolphins slaying there is also the issue of the people living in and eating the meat of this country. What type of idiot seriously thinks its OK to feed poisoned meet to a vast population of people?! Not only are they harming themselves and others but they are helping promote the birth of deformed children. I just cant fathom so many people and members of the government being aware of this risk and still trying to cover it up for the benefit of low production cost. I respect others cultures, I really do. I believe deeply in equality and freedom for every individual, like the saying goes, I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. However there is a point where things are just wrong and this production of dolphins has reached that point. Not only should it be evident in the footage of this video, but there is hard evidence proving that even the people committing the crime know it is exactly that, a crime. Why else would people go to such a length to hide it from the community? Why would so many people be trying to cover it up if they truly believed there was nothing wrong with the practice? They would not it is as simple as that, they would not.
             I may not be able to give my life to a cause. I feel bound by my socialization to follow a path of "success" in the nations definition and obtain my college degree, but I will also not turn my head completely. My name is on the list of people who have signed to urge the stopping of such a crime in The Cove.

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