Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mr. Daisy and the Apple: Response

Let me start by saying that this was one of the weirdest articles. It's weird because I have never read an article were you do not need to read, but you can listen instead. A monologue? That is really interesting. But that is not what i want to talk about. I want to talk about the cruel and intense working conditions these Chinese employers go through.Who would have ever thought that every necessity we use today is made in China, wait no not China, Shenzhen. A city bigger than New York City and I had no clue this place ever existed or what this place was. I'm sitting here typing up my post and still thinking that the laptop I'm using is not made by machines. This laptop and every other electronic I use is made by hand, the hands of every Chinese worker who spend 12-14 hours a day making the things we use today, without taking any breaks. And to know that some of them even commit suicide because of extreme working conditions or even died working a 34 hour shift is just awful. The reports about this company Foxconn is not in my favor at all. To have these Chinese employers work for that long non stop is one thing, but having some workers who are 12 years of age is another. I don't get why no one checks the age of every worker and it is obvious that Foxconn doesn't care. I say this because Foxconn is not doing anything about the way their employees work. They don't do anything about workers using such hazardous/dangerous chemical like N-hexane to clean the screens of every iphone, knowing that this chemical can cause serious health conditions. Even the union can't do much at all, because eventually when they get caught every member or person affiliated with the union will end up in prison anyway. There is no way out of things but to quit and who would want to do that. Every Chinese employee may hate this job but they need it in order to feed their families and themselves. None of them want to take the risk of  getting fired. I'm just absolutely stunned the way these Chinese workers work and I can't stop but think the pain they go through, knowing that maybe there is something we could do abou it. But then we shouldn't because we would eventually make matters worse and every chinese worker can lose their jobs.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, "Unknown"! I would really like to know who you are so I can give you credit for your work. If you don't mind just signing your posts with your initials or your name, that would be sufficient. Thanks!
