As it says in this essay, " The growth in children's advertising has been driving by efforts to increase not just current, but also, future consumption." The purpose of these commercials is to hook the children of the future at a young age and get them loyal to their product. As the author says brand loyalty may begin as early as the age of two because the children can recognize a brand logo before they can recognize the company's name. He seems to be against advertising to children with the facts he states such as the whole "Joe Camel" reference saying that almost all American six year olds knew who he was and that one third of all cigarettes illegally sold to minors were Camel brand. Although those facts are presented I feel like advertisements presented to our future are good, sure the cigarettes is bad but the ones to blame are the parents on this, if you are going to allow your children to consume this at such a crucial age, then you should teach them what's okay and what isn't for example Joe Camel and Camel Cigarettes wouldn't be something that kids should know about but maybe hooking children at a young age to something like a car company wouldn't hurt them. I know that if i was the head of a company i would target to children because if you have them loyal at a young age you have them loyal for as long as they live and they would probably pass down the loyalty to their children which means more money for your business as well as costumers. Eric Schlosser also explains that advertising to children gives them the nagging techniques, basically to get what they see and want. If this is your company that has kids nagging their parents then you are winning the battle because eventually the parents will give in and it's more money in your pocket. In my opinion kids are the perfect target for companies. What little kid growing up doesn't like McDonalds? I can't think of any and thats because McDonalds has the perfect way to hook children. They have the funny clown Ronald McDonald and all of his little friends that make McDonalds look wonderful and fun, they also have the happy meal. The happy meal, comes in a fun shaped box and comes with a toy, I remember being little and wanting McDonalds all the time so i could get a happy meal and get a toy. I wouldn't even finish all my food half the time but id still have the toy, and for McDonalds I don't think it matters weather or not the kids are eating the food just as long as they are making sales. They advertise their commercials targeting kids on channels such as cartoon network, Nickelodeon, and Disney channel where the kids will for sure see them and want what they are seeing. The commercials that we see on regular channels for McDonalds are completely different from those that are put on kid channels and this is because of target audience. Marketing to children at a young age is the way to go for a business to succeed past others just because of the loyal consumers you will have as time passes.
- Bryce Musgrove
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