Monday, February 6, 2012

Mr. Daisy and Apple

The conditions in theses factories are absolutely atrocious.  I couldn’t believe all the things that happened just so I could sit here and type on my Mac Book Pro.  Hearing Mr. Daisy talk about the chemicals used to clean the screens on iphones destroying the workers hands. They have dorms where fourteen or so beds are squeezed into a twelve by twelve room.  I cannot believe human beings are being treated like this in factories just so we can get our electronics. Apple needs to be held accountable for this.  Also it is disturbing how the companies do not check the ages on the workers.  They almost seem to try to cover up the child laborers when supervisors come to check.  There was one man who was injured at FoxCon and he was fired because he became to slow.  He works at another factory now and said he is treated a lot better.  The way these people are treated is awful; the suicide rate is very high in Foxcon. We use these products everyday but we never really research how they are being made or make sure that Apple is treating their people well. Mr. Daisy asks if we should feel weird about using these products, and some people say no.  Things are awful in these sweatshops and I think that companies should be checked up on more so that things like child labor and bad treatment don’t happen.     

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