While reading this article I got about half way through and kept asking myself when is this going to end? Actually while reading it I was noticing that I was being distracted by the ads on the side a long with the other titles of articles for example; The FBI Wants to Read Your Tweets, this seemed more important to me then whether or not google was making me stupid. I also got distracted by a little video called Fauna: The Hidden, Beautiful World of Manatees not that I like manatees or anything but it seemed way better than reading the whole long essay at the time and then I started to think that maybe it isn't google making us stupid, but maybe it is our learning habits. It seems that today with our generation we have all been around technology, growing up and that has been our go to for everything, at least I know that it is with myself. It seems that growing up with technology made things easier for me, every time I had a research paper I would always go to google first, I feel that google isn't what we need to worry about, but rather, the future of teaching. I don't know of one time where I was sent to the library to do research in a book rather than on a computer, thats just how I was taught I guess. In this article it was mentioned by a man named Bruce Friedman that the internet has altered his mental habits, he said "a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.”
I agree with this completely but I think that the reason this happens is because there is so many more things on the internet that you can do to occupy your time that you are interested in besides an essay. I feel like we can't blame something like google for making us stupid if that is what we were taught to use growing up, it's our learning habits that are making us stupid. We can't blame technology for making us stupid when we are the ones who created technology. Also I feel like this could be because books are starting to die in todays society, people tend to rely more on technology for answers, such as television, internet, or even mobile devices. Another point is, Internet is a persons choice, you do not have to use it or associate with it. If you feel like google is making you stupid then why would you go to google for answers or anything else. Because of my lack of focus this article took me multiple hours to read because I found other things on the computer way more interesting and a lot shorter in length. It is kinda brutal to read something so long without having any interest in it other then it is a required homework assignment...

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