Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory - A Different View

Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory - A Different View

Mr. Daisey definitely portrays the misery of the factory workers in Shenzhen, China, that it would be hard not to be moved  and there is no doubt that his accounts are factual to a degree. The question arises as to what can be done, and does the Western world have the right to force China to conform to their standards. Americans as do most human beings have this inborn believe that the way they do this is the right way and no one else is doing it right. With this in mind, it would be beneficial to look at the evolution  of Democracy and Capitalism.

It was not that far in the past at the beginning of the industrial revelation , that the USA did not have unions and the factories employed children sometimes younger than Mr. Daisey mentioned. Conditions were much worse than Mr. Daisey mentioned in his presentation, with children working in underground coal mines with safety almost non-existing. The US government opposed unions at first linking them with communism  and Marxist. There were bloody and sometimes fatal encounters with the unions by the police. Teamsters used to sit up on hills shooting truck drivers in the steel mill as they went from building to building, and others perched on over passes shooting non-union truckers. Should Americans go over to China and start pushing non-government unions and more than likely a bloodshed. Or should the Chinese be left alone for the own evolution to take place. It has been said that "Before you condemn another first look in the mirror". Americans do not have a very pretty history when they look in their mirror. True things are much better today than the past so the tendency is to treat China as a child and try to make things better, but as a child rarely hears the parents advice and have to learn things for themselves so will China have to learn for herself.

Cultural interference is possibly the number one reason so many countries around the world hate Americans. Even with in the USA the results of cultural interference can be seen. Most presently the cultures of Alaska have suffered this interference, with alcoholism, suicides, dislocations, and more. Alaska natives have a saying, "The only good thing the white man has brought to Alaska was the common language". The common consensus in America is the only good government is Democracy, and the only good money system is capitalism. However there are monarchs that have better lives than US citizen as a whole. True they are the exception but it shows the falsify of the thinking.

It would be great if it were possible to make everything in China right and there was no greed in the world, and the world was filled with love, love, love! Ok wake up and smell the menure the world stinks, but before trying to clean up the neighbors yard shuvel the menure out of yours.

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