Monday, February 6, 2012

I'll never use Apple

I’m still currently listening to Mr. Daisey right now and I have to start off by saying I will never ever use an apple product ever again in my life. I honestly cannot believe that a store that projects themselves to be one of the top companies when it comes to phones, tablets, and laptops would honestly be this bad. I kind of want to know exactly how many people would continue using Apple products after listening to this segment. I don’t know exactly how much extra it would cost if these products were made here in the United States. I mean I could never think about wanting to kill myself because of how much I dislike my job. This segment actually truly bothered me right to the heart. I almost grabbed everything my wife had that was made by Apple and threw it in the trash, but that wouldn’t have gone well. On top of all of this the workers that work here could be thrown in jail for being in a Union. I mean imagine being thrown in jail for speaking the truth about saying that the way someone over you at a job is doing it the wrong way. Or imagine being black listed from a every job in a country because you speak out and say that you want to be paid overtime for working overtime. It is funny how our government doesn’t tell Apple that they have to shut down Foxcon. Add to this that these people that create the products don’t even get to use them because Apple isn’t even being used in China. I fully agree with Mr. Daisey when he says, “That if workers ever lined up next to each other like they do and take their lives so publicly would be on the national news.” I have to pose a question to everyone do you still support Apple? Do you still want to get the new Iphone 5? Do you realize that the Iphone 4S itself at retail value is at least 650 dollars and can even get up to the price of 850 dollars. It is pretty bad when Apples own people go over to China and stop working with a company because the company refuses to use adults instead of children. Apple really needs to change the way they go about their business or else I will never buy another Apple product and I definitely won’t let my children have them. Everyone wonders about what is destroying this world, what is causing some people’s hearts to go cold. Well you don’t have to look too far if you have an Apple product because that is the first thing you should look at. I believe Apple is the first company we are hearing about doing this, but to think they are the only ones is ludicrous. How can we expect them to change if we ourselves won’t? I ask myself now, what products I own were made in sweat shops and would I still use the products I have if I knew the answer to that question. It really makes me wonder. I hope when the day comes that I find out that I can say to heck with this I refuse to use that product now, but I won’t know until that day comes. So I pose a question to anyone who reads this, what will you do if you find out the phone you use was made in the type of conditions that are described in this segment? Will you still use your laptop, phone, or any other electronic device if you find out some 14 to 15 year old kid in a sweat shop made it?

1 comment:

  1. Then you may as well swear off using fridges, freezers, many electric tools, cellphones, electric razors, cars, motorbikes, and a whole plethora of other items that are the products of production lines in China.

    And I will gladly continue to use my own items, considering that it may have kept that particular 14 or 15 year old kid from becoming a whore, drug-dealer, gang-member, or homeless child.
